Åpne datasett

Totalt antall datasett: 50

Fram Strait/ACOBAR: XBT measurements and derived values - Fram Strait - September 2010

Hanne Sagen (PI), Agnieszka Beszczynska-Møller, Florian Geyer

This dataset is comprised of XBT profiles of temperature, pressure and sound speed acquited in the Fram Strait from KV Svalbard in September 2010. There are a total of 41 profiles and 71422 observations. Two different XBT probes were used: T5 and T7, see http://www.sippican.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/312 for more info on the probes.

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter ACOBAR (EC contract 212887)

Fram Strait/ACOBAR: XBT measurements and derived values - Fram Strait - September 2012

Hanne Sagen (PI), Agnieszka Beszczynska-Møller, Florian Geyer

This dataset is comprised of XBT profiles of temperature, pressure and sound speed in the Fram Strait acquired from KV Svalbard in September 2012. There are a total of 7 profiles and 11365 observations. The XBT probe T5 was used, see http://www.sippican.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/312 for more info on the probe.

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter ACOBAR (EC contract 212887)

Fram Strait/ACOBAR: XBT measurements and derived values - Fram Strait - September 2011

Hanne Sagen (PI), Agnieszka Beszczynska-Møller, Florian Geyer

This dataset is comprised of XBT profiles of temperature, pressure and sound speed acquired in the Fram Strait from KV Svalbard in September 2011. There are a total of 45 profiles and 114176 observations. The XBT probe T5 was used, see http://www.sippican.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/312 for more info on the probe.

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter ACOBAR (EC contract 212887)

Sea ice and water classification in the Arctic for INTAROS 2018 field experiment

Torill Hamre

Sea ice and water classification in the Arctic using Sentinel-1 SAR, Extended Wide (EW) swath images at medium resolution (GRDM). Prior to classification, a thermal noise reduction algorithm is applied. A machine learning algorithm is then used to classify sea ice and open water in the noise corrected images.

Lisens other-at
Navn på prosjekter NextGEOSS (Grant agreement no. 730329), INTAROS (Grant agreement no. 727890)

Arctic Net Primary Production

Anton Korosov

Ocean color products including Chlorophyll, Suspended Matter, Dissolved Organic Carbon and and Net Primary Production in the Arctic Ocean. NORMAP data products from NERSC. References to description of datasource and algorithms: SeaWIFS: http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/SeaWiFS/; MODIS: http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/; BOREALI: doi:10.3390/a2010470; Behrenfeld: http://wiki.icess.ucsb.edu/measures/index.php/GSM; GSM: http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/OCisD/; OC3: http://0-oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov.iii-server.ualr.edu/SeaWiFS/TECH_REPORTS/PLVol11.pdf; Behrenfeld-1997: Behrenfeld, M., Falkowski, P. 1997.Limnol. Oceanogr. 42(1): 1-20; Behrenfeld-2005: doi:10.1029/2004GB002299; Mara: Marra, J., Ho, C., Trees, C. 2003

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter NORMAP (project no. 195397)

Arctic Sea Level Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) at 8 km

Anton Korosov

Absolute dynamic topography and Geostrophic ocean

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter NORMAP (project no. 195397)

Arctic Sea Level Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) at 20 km

Anton Korosov

Absolute dynamic topography and Geostrophic ocean currents derived from GOCE and GOCE-CNESCLS09 MDT and from SLA http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com.

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter NORMAP (project no. 195397)

Greenland Sea Surface Winds from ASAR

Asuka Yamakawa

Wind Speed retrieved from ASAR backscatter and NCEP wind deirection using CMOD4. NORMAP data products from NERSC. References to description of algorithms could be found here: https://github.com/nansencenter/openwind

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter NORMAP (project no. 195397)

Norwegian Sea Surface Winds from ASAR

Asuka Yamakawa

Wind Speed retrieved from ASAR backscatter and NCEP wind deirection using CMOD4. NORMAP data products from NERSC. References to description of algorithms could be found here: https://github.com/nansencenter/openwind

Lisens cc-by
Navn på prosjekter NORMAP (project no. 195397)