Bokkapitler2013 Ocean Current Retrievals and Applications Johnny Andre Johannessen, B. Holt, F. Chapron, Vladimir Kudryavtsev, R. Romeiser, A. Mouche From 2D mesoscale surface expressions to 3D upper ocean dynamics Johnny Andre Johannessen, B. Chapron, Vladimir Kudryavtsev, F. Collard Observations: Atmosphere and Surface D.L. Hartmann, A.M.G. Klein Tank, M. Rusticucci, L.V. Alexander, S. Brönnimann, Y. Charabi Satellite Oceanography from the ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar and Radar Altimeter: A Brief Review Johnny Andre Johannessen, B Chapron, W Alpers, F Collard, P. Cipollini, A. Liu 2012 A Health Damage Pattern Due to Street-Level Pollution in the Central Paris Area Estimated With a Turbulence-Resolving Model Igor Esau Application of large-eddy simulation for optimization of the first-order turbulence closures for neutral and stably-stratified boundary layers Igor Esau, Øyvind Byrkjedal Similarity theory and calculation of the surface turbulent fluxes in stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layers Sergej Zilitinkevich, Igor Esau The Height of the Atmospheric Planetary Boundary layer: State of the Art and New Development Sergej Zilitinkevich Ch. 6 Interaction with the global climate system Thomas McClimans, Genrikh Alekseev, Ola M Johannessen, Martin W. Miles 2011 Ice concentration retrieval from satellite radar images V.G. Smirnov, V.S. Loshchilov, Vitaly Alexandrov Changes of Arctic sea ice cover in the end of 20th – beginning of 21st Centuries from satellite remote sensing data and other types of measurements Leonid Bobylev, Ola M Johannessen, E.V. Shalina, Vitaly Alexandrov, Stein Sandven Use of mathematical methods of image processing in interpretation of SAR images of sea ice Vitaly Alexandrov, N.Y. Zakhvatkina 1 … 5 6 7 8 9
Ocean Current Retrievals and Applications Johnny Andre Johannessen, B. Holt, F. Chapron, Vladimir Kudryavtsev, R. Romeiser, A. Mouche
From 2D mesoscale surface expressions to 3D upper ocean dynamics Johnny Andre Johannessen, B. Chapron, Vladimir Kudryavtsev, F. Collard
Observations: Atmosphere and Surface D.L. Hartmann, A.M.G. Klein Tank, M. Rusticucci, L.V. Alexander, S. Brönnimann, Y. Charabi
Satellite Oceanography from the ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar and Radar Altimeter: A Brief Review Johnny Andre Johannessen, B Chapron, W Alpers, F Collard, P. Cipollini, A. Liu
A Health Damage Pattern Due to Street-Level Pollution in the Central Paris Area Estimated With a Turbulence-Resolving Model Igor Esau
Application of large-eddy simulation for optimization of the first-order turbulence closures for neutral and stably-stratified boundary layers Igor Esau, Øyvind Byrkjedal
Similarity theory and calculation of the surface turbulent fluxes in stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layers Sergej Zilitinkevich, Igor Esau
The Height of the Atmospheric Planetary Boundary layer: State of the Art and New Development Sergej Zilitinkevich
Ch. 6 Interaction with the global climate system Thomas McClimans, Genrikh Alekseev, Ola M Johannessen, Martin W. Miles
Ice concentration retrieval from satellite radar images V.G. Smirnov, V.S. Loshchilov, Vitaly Alexandrov
Changes of Arctic sea ice cover in the end of 20th – beginning of 21st Centuries from satellite remote sensing data and other types of measurements Leonid Bobylev, Ola M Johannessen, E.V. Shalina, Vitaly Alexandrov, Stein Sandven
Use of mathematical methods of image processing in interpretation of SAR images of sea ice Vitaly Alexandrov, N.Y. Zakhvatkina