Climate effects and adaptations

Climate change will affect us all. The change will be of a direct nature if there is an increase in extreme weather events, or indirectly if extreme weather in an area can affect supply chains, food prices or refugee flows. All parts of society will be affected.

By understanding the effects climate change will have on nature and society, one can implement risk-reducing measures and limit the harmful effects. We forecast what the weather and climate conditions will be like in the future. Through the Climate Futures project, we participate in the development of seasonal forecasts. The forecasts can be of great use to private businesses, the public sector, service and business organizations, and research institutions.

At the Nansen Center, research is being carried out on the effects of climate change on urban communities. Since the impact of climate change and extreme events will vary in relation to geographic location, local calculations and adaptations must be made.

We also look at how climate change affects sea levels, and what effects this has. For example, increased erosion will affect the marine ecosystem, and lead to new forms of algal blooms.

For more information, contact research leader Francois Counillon.


Products and services


Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: NORCE
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Lasse H. Pettersson
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Victoria Miles
Client: European Commission
Project owner: NORCE
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon
Client: Ministry of Education and Research via the Bjerknes Centre
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Antonio Bonaduce