Seasonal forecasts

Seasonal forecasting is a relatively new field of research, which will meet a growing administrative and societal need for relevant, advanced, and applicable forecasts for longer periods than ordinary weather forecasts.

The Nansen Center has had a central role in the development of the “Norwegian climate warning model”, NorCPM. The model can produce simulations of both past and future climate, including seasonal forecasts that apply a few months into the future. The forecasts are produced by adding large amounts of measurement data to the model.

By comparing the results, we find climate trends, for example whether the coming period will be wetter or colder than normal. Such trends are often caused by slow changes in the ocean, in the atmosphere, or on land.

For more information, contact research leader François Counillon.


For access to visualised forecasts  of the climate some weeks to months ahead of time, go to NorCPM seasonal forecast


For access to visualised forecasts of the climate some weeks to months ahead of time, go to Seasonal forecasts from Climate Futures