Air-sea interactions

Every second, large amounts of heat, moisture, gases, and energy pass the interface between the ocean and the atmosphere. This creates waves and ocean currents, turbulence and wind systems, low pressure and high pressure. Exchange between air and sea are also important factors that affect the climate on earth.

The weather and climate are changing, both locally and globally, and extreme events such as tropical cyclones, polar low pressures, monster waves, storm surges, heat waves, and extreme rainfall situations are increasing in frequency and scope. The interaction between air and sea plays an important role in this development. The interaction also affects waves and ocean currents, the distribution of nutrient salts and the ecosystems in the sea.

It is demanding to study these processes. We have expertise in using measurements from satellites and advanced ocean sensors, in combination with physical models. We develop new methods for using measurements from satellites, and continuously improve the models used so that more accurate calculations and more secure forecasts for the future can be delivered. By studying the development of extreme events, we gain an increased understanding of where and why the events occur, how the climate will develop and what consequences the development will have.

For more information, contact research leader Antonio Bonaduce.


Products and services


Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Helene R. Langehaug
Client: European Space Agency
Project owner: IFREMER
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Johnny A. Johannessen