Data products from rigs and buoys

The conditions in the sea and sea ice affect the development of climate and environmental conditions. Observations of the conditions in the sea and sea ice can be obtained via measuring instruments on board boats, mounted on rigs in the sea, and on surface buoys that drift freely in the ice or in the sea.

The observations provide information on ocean temperature, sounds in the sea, air temperature, salt and oxygen content in the sea, wind, ocean currents, and on ice drift and ice thickness.

Marine scientists analyze these so-called in-situ measurements to register changes and understand connections between air, ocean, and sea ice. The knowledge is further used to evaluate and develop models. Observations are used to improve the model calculations using data assimilation. This process improves the quality of forecasts.

For more information, contact research leader Hanne Sagen.


For access to observational data from cruises in northern sea areas, go to integrated Arctic Observation Systems


For access to observational data from cruises in northern sea areas, go to Norwegian Marine Data Centre