Global climate

The global climate is changing. Understanding which changes have taken place, which changes are ongoing, and likely changes in the future, is of great importance for how we should relate to the planet's biological diversity and for humanity.

At the Nansen Center, both natural and man-made changes in climate are studied, and what effects these have on the environment and society. We use data from measurements and climate models to identify climate change and its causes. Predictions are being developed for how the climate will change, from months to years into the future. Different emissions scenarios are used to see how different measures can contribute to limiting climate change. Climate predictions are also part of the knowledge base for which societal adaptations will be necessary as a result of future changes.

Through the work with the development of the Norwegian Earth System Model NorESM, we contribute to better climate predictions. The predictions are used, among other things, in the UN’s climate reports. International climate agreements have been concluded, and important climate measures have been implemented. In order to understand future climate development, it is of great importance to learn from the climate of the past. Reanalyses reconstruct what the climate has been like and improve the understanding of which factors affect the global climate.

For more information, contact research leader François Counillon.


Products and services


Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: NORCE
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon
Client: Ministry of Education and Research via the Bjerknes Centre
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Yiguo Wang
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Danish Meteorological Institute
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Antonio Bonaduce
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: NORCE
Project leader at the Nansen Center: François Counillon