Data assimilation

Data assimilation are methods that combine measurements of the climate and environment, such as temperature and wind, with models. Through this process, more accurate descriptions of a current state are produced, which in turn will form the basis for more secure forecasts.

The combination of climate and environmental data and models is important for many research fields, such as forecasting of marine conditions and changes. The model calculations are never completely accurate, but by including (assimilating) measurements in the models, it will be possible to reduce the difference between a forecast and the actual state of the sea, ice, or air. Through the use of data assimilation as an improvement method, weather forecasts have become much more reliable, although there is room to improve the forecasts further. We are developing new methods to streamline the use of data assimilation in operational forecasting, and for the reconstruction of past climates.

The Nansen Center has a central role in developing and using so-called ensemble methods in data assimilation. Ensemble Kalman Filter – the method was developed by us and is used in our ocean, sea-ice and climate models. Today, the method is used to support operational forecasting and for the reconstruction of past climates. Data assimilation can be used for all types of model improvements where measurement data is included. It can apply to everything from information on soil moisture or the optics of an extra-large telescope – the possibilities are endless and extend far beyond climate research.

For more information, contact research leader Laurent Bertino.


Products and services


Client: Research Council of Norway
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Laurent Bertino
Client: European Commission
Project owner: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Laurent Bertino
Client: Schmidt Futures
Project owner: French National Centre for Scientific Research
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Einar Ólason
Client: European Commission
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Laurent Bertino
Client: European Space Agency
Project owner: National Research Council of Italy
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Laurent Bertino
Client: Mercator Ocean International
Project owner: Nansen Center
Project leader at the Nansen Center: Laurent Bertino