File conversion

When research data from field experiments is collected, measurements are often logged as text files, with file type ASCII. Such files are instrument-dependent, and therefore not easy to work with without own software from the instrument supplier.

Researchers therefore often prefer the standard netCDF format. Not only the data itself is stored here, but also metadata that describes which data is in the file, where the measurements were made, and by whom, etc. This file type makes it easier to share data with other researchers and actors. Transferring datasets from ASCII to netCDF format is an important step towards making research data accessible and usable.

The Nansen Center has developed a tool to make file conversion for different observation systems as simple as possible. The tool is called Rosetta and can be used freely.

For more information, contact research leader Torill Hamre.


For access to Rosetta, a tool to simplify file conversion for different observing systems, go to the Rosetta-website