The Nansen Center has developed its own data portal called the Integrated Arctic Observation System – Arctic data from over 40 institutions that collect data from the northern regions are collected and stored there. In the iAOS portal, over 500 datasets are freely available, from satellite data to in-situ measurements of the salinity in seawater, measured from the sea surface to the seafloor.
In order to collect Arctic data from the EU project INTAROS in one place, the Nansen Center has created a separate data catalog which is also openly accessible. The catalog contains descriptions of more than 150 collected, derived and calculated datasets, by contributions from 38 organisations. The main part of the data sets has been obtained from the Arctic Ocean and the surrounding land areas.
The Nansen Center also hosts a THREDDS data server, which gives researchers access to several types of data. Here you can find, among other things, freely available in-situ data from the sea and satellite data – depending on which data the researchers obtained.