Forecasts for biogeochemical conditions

We contribute to developing models that can simulate and provide forecasts for biogeochemical variables that are important for marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic and Arctic, such as nutrients and plankton.

The forecasts are produced daily using the ECOSMO-II model, and are valid for ten days into the future. The information is free and widely available through the Copernicus Marine Service. The forecasts make visible how the state of the ocean changes over time and increase our understanding of marine ecosystems. The forecasts can also be used as a basis for environmental monitoring. On assignment, we also produce other forecasting services, for example more detailed forecasts for smaller areas.

For more information, contact research leader Annette Samuelsen.


For access to visualised forecasts that show analyses and forecasts of biogeochemistry in northern regions and the Arctic Ocean from TOPAZ, go to Copernicus